Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Hello & Welcome to FMU 301

    • Meet the Instructors

    • Let's Begin!

  • 2

    FMU 301.M1: AllPath Director Basics

    • Software for the Physical Layer - Basics

    • Learning Checkpoint One

    • Navigating APD

    • APD Navigation Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Two

    • Believe it or not!

    • Jumping Right into APD

    • APD Quick Start - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Three

    • Take a Break :)

    • Assignment One

  • 3

    FMU 301.M2: AllPath Director Workflows

    • Ins and Outs of APD - Workflows

    • Identify a Panel Demo

    • Did You Know?

    • Learning Checkpoint Four

    • Checking Port Availability

    • Check Port Availability - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Five

    • Take a Break :)

    • View Paths between Two Panels

    • Check Path Between Two Panels - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Six

    • View Full Path of a Connection

    • View Full Path of a Connection - Demo

    • Believe it or not!

    • Learning Checkpoint Seven

    • Verify Cable Connection

    • Verify Cable Insertion & Removal - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Eight

    • Check Cable Properties

    • Check Cable Properties - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Nine

    • Quote

    • Extracting Data with Reports

    • Reports - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Ten

    • Assignment Two

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    FMU 301.M3: AllPath Director Administration

    • User & Permission Management

    • User & Permission Management - Demo

    • Believe it or not!

    • Learning Checkpoint Eleven

    • System and Database Backup

    • System and Database Backup - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Twelve

    • APD & Device Updates

    • APD & Device Updates - Demo

    • Did You Know?

    • Learning Checkpoint Thirteen

    • Troubleshooting

    • Troubleshooting - Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Fourteen

    • Assignment Three

  • 5

    Next Steps

    • Congrats! Here's What's Next

    • End of Course Evaluation

    • Course Survey - Let's Hear From You...

    • Continue Learning

Why Take The Course?

  • Visualize Your Network

    Learn how you can monitor and manage your L1 network in real time. Learn how you can view your network stats via an interactive dashboard, extract data in a single click and manage your physical layer.

  • Interactive Training

    Get ready to deep dive with bespoke modules, demo videos and advice from industry experts. Equip yourself to understand real world use cases around an intelligent physical layer.

  • Professional Learning Path

    Validate your understanding of Physical Layer 2.0 by earning a completion certificate. This course is also part of Fiber Mountain's Associate certification track.

Course Takeaways

  • Learn how software for layer 1 can completely re-invent L1 devices and network management

  • Understand how APD can extract meaningful data, monitor your network and reduce DC costs

  • Kick start your professional learning path and take the first step to become a certified FM Associate