Course Curriculum

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    Welcome to the Course!

    • Hello & Welcome to FMU 201

    • Meet the Instructors

    • Sneak Peek into FMU 201

    • Learning Resources

    • Let's Begin!

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    FMU 201.M1: Sensus Hardware Components

    • Sensus Hardware Overview

    • Chassis - Housing Intelligence

    • Quick Recap!

    • Patching Module - Modular, Adaptable

    • Blast From the Past

    • Deep Dive into Patching Module

    • Learning Checkpoint One

    • Module Polarity - Pros and Cons

    • FMU Tidbits!

    • Active Intelligence - Physical Layer 2.0

    • Learning Checkpoint Two

    • Management Module - Intelligence Core

    • Take a break & Grab a Coffee :)

    • Accessorize your Sensus!

    • Learning Checkpoint Three

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    FMU 201.M2: Sensus Hardware Installation

    • Hardware Installation - Here we go!

    • Quick Recap!

    • Sensus - Lets Assemble

    • Sensus Assembly Demo

    • Quote

    • Learning Checkpoint Four

    • Cable Installation Prereq

    • Lets Get those Cables Cleaned

    • Dust cap Installation

    • FMU Tidbits!

    • ICID LC Cable Installation - Cable Intelligence

    • Install and Removal of ICID LC Clips

    • ICID LC Cable Installation

    • Grab a Bite :)

    • ICID MPO Cable Installation

    • Install and Removal of ICID MP Clips

    • ICID MPO Cable Installation

    • Believe it or Not!

    • Senus - Powering Intelligence

    • Learning Checkpoint Five

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    FMU 201.M3: Sensus Software Setup

    • Let's Setup Sensus Software

    • Configuration Prerequisites

    • Quick Recap!

    • Software Configuration, LCD

    • Configuration via LCD Demo

    • Grab a Coffee :)

    • Learning Checkpoint Six

    • Software Configuration, Console

    • Configuration via Console Demo

    • FMU Tidbits!

    • Learning Checkpoint Seven

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    FMU 201.M4: Sensus Maintenance

    • Let's Blink Those LEDs

    • Port/LED Configuration via Console and LCD

    • Quick Recap!

    • Diagnostics and Health Check

    • Diagnostics Continuity Test

    • Blast From the Past!

    • Health Check via Console and LCD

    • Continuity Check Demo

    • Learning Checkpoint Eight

    • Diagnostics - BERT Test

    • BERT Demo

    • Quote

    • Alarms

    • FMU Tidbits!

    • Replacing Hardware

    • Demo of Hardware Replacement

    • Learning Checkpoint Nine

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    Next Steps

    • Congrats! Here's What's Next

    • End of Course Evaluation

    • Course Survey - Let's Hear From You...

    • Continue Learning

Why Take The Course?

  • Untangle the Physical Layer

    Understand how Sensus can transform your datacenter. Learn all about integrated intelligent features of the patch panel and how these can change your layer 1 workflow.

  • Interactive Training

    Get ready to deep dive with bespoke modules, demo videos and advice from industry experts. Equip yourself to understand real world use cases around an intelligent physical layer.

  • Professional Learning Path

    Validate your understanding of Physical Layer 2.0 by earning a completion certificate. This course is also part of Fiber Mountain's Associate certification track.

Course Takeaways

  • Take a deep dive into Sensus, the intelligent patch panel that is reinventing the physical layer today

  • Equip yourself to solve real world data center use cases - complex networks made simple by Senus

  • Kick start your professional learning path and take the first step to become a certified FM Associate